Neon Family Church

Do I Deserve Grace?


The simple answer to the question is NO. You do not deserve grace. Before you get into a judgemental mode, have you asked yourself “What does grace mean?” If this is the question your asking then, congrats you caught the right train, if not then I am pretty sure that you are convinced that I do not deserve grace.

Moving on, let’s tackle the first question in our minds. What is Grace?. According to Google, it means ‘unmerited favor’. Yup, you read it right ‘UNMERITED FAVOR’. Well, what is unmerited favor you ask, Well it’s a kind of favor, not flavor which does not take into consideration any of your merits. It does not calculate your net worth nor does it look at how good looking you are nor your wealth nor your glory nor anything you have done, whether right or nor and without taking in count anything, you get a favor.

Oh WOW, that must be amazing. But I think that Guy must have lost his mind. Cause if that is the definition of Grace then there is no one on planet Earth who can ever show Grace, cause every time I get any type of favor or partiality there is always something taken into count. I am pretty sure there is nothing called Grace. But let’s say there is something called Grace, then I would Love to have it, all the time.

Well, that’s the funniest part that all of us have available for us. But the irony is, that though it’s available none of deserve it. There is an unending waterfall of Grace. You must be thinking that this Guy is saying that Grace is there Grace is there. But where is it. How can I receive the unending Waterfall of Grace, that I am pretty sure will last me the rest of my Life, Is this guy just pulling my Leg? Well, the one and only step to achieve it is really easy.  Step 1- Accept Jesus Christ as your one and only Savior. This is the one and only. Well, how do you know? I have experienced this Grace first Hand.

And like I said the Biggest Irony of this is, that thought you and me don’t deserve it we still are free to accept it. So go ahead and Recieve it. Am I 100% sure you will Never be the same again?

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