Hold Fast
““Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.”
- Hebrews 10:23
“To hold fast,” or “to hold tight,” also means to attach, fasten, unite, cement, cleave, and cohere. The phrase gained popularity among those at sea who had to hold fast to the sails and rigging during stormy times while also staying true to their course, no matter the weather or what happened at sea.
Sailors would tattoo “hold fast” on the four front-facing fingers of each hand as a reminder that, no matter what, the sailor would not let go. In a storm, sailors would tell each other to “Hold Fast,” meaning to grab onto rigging or something solid and secure to prevent being swept overboard.
The author of Hebrews is encouraging us to hold on, to persevere, to cling, and to cleave to the hope we have in Christ, who is our solid and secure anchor. The promises He has given us are faithful to fulfill. The blessings we have in Christ outnumber every trial and temptation. So, let us hold on and stay true to the course God has called us to. The phrase “Hold on” should be our anthem as we sail through this journey of life, spurring ourselves and others until we reach the other side and meet our Savior to hear ‘Well done!'”