Hunger for God
“Oh my Baby, you look starved. Mummy isn’t feeding you well” I am pretty sure you must have heard this comment a lot when you were in your early teens and were trying to lose weight. If not I don’t know what to say. I come from a family where this was the 1st question I would be asked every time we had a family reunion. And to get things clear it’s not like I had lost 30-40 pounds. Nah Nah no way that could be possible. And to make the picture clearer I am a pretty well-built chap. I am wonderfully and beautifully made and so are you. And you better not think otherwise, you know why? Because the Lord who made the heaven and Earth says so.
Let me ask you a question. What’s the 1st thing that comes to your mind when I say ‘Hunger or Hungry’? I don’t know about you but for me, it was definitely food. If it was GOD for you then congratulations, you don’t have to read the rest of the blog. But if it was something else, then let me truthful I know where you are standing cause I have been there. Let’s say I was the Mayor of there. And the funniest thing is that though I was born up In a believing family, a family where both my mom and dad loved Jesus, I their first born hungered for everything in the world except Christ. Isn’t that irony the kid who is born and brought up knowing about everything that Christ had done for him, still was hungry and thirsty for everything else except Christ. Well you may say doesn’t it sound very similar to the story of the Israelites, let me be honest, Yes, yes it does.
Now, now 1st things first, what exactly is the meaning of the Word ‘Hunger’. Well here’s what Google has to say-‘It’s a strong desire or a craving for something’. I think that sums it up. But if it is still not clear, let me make it simpler. Your Hunger is something that you have a place as your no.1 priority in your life or it is something that you have not been able to place as your no.1 priority, therefore, it is also running at the back of your mind. It can be your Job, your Family, your addictions, and your obsession. It can be anything in the whole wide world but if it is not Jesus, my friend you are on a sinking Boat.
Now the 2nd the question, who is JESUS?? Well, I can’t describe him if I could describe him he wouldn’t be Jesus. He is the definition of Love, he is the meaning of life and the example of unending grace. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is the beginning and the end. He is the first and the last and in him, all things are made new. He is life and life in its fullness. He is a Father to the Fatherless and a defender of a widow. He is, he was and he always will be. He is a Wonderful Counsellor, a Mighty God, an Everlasting Father and the Prince of peace. He is God eternal and he holds the whole world in his hands. He is!
By now I am already pretty sure what you are thinking right now ‘Whoa man, enough already. You making my impression on my life go from bad to worst. Your God is just too perfect for me. I and your God are like 2 poles of a magnet that never attract only repel. Stop it you making me sound small, you making all I have achieved in my lifetime thus far look bad. How, how can a God like this Love me? I don’t think I can love him back the same way he has loved me’. If this is the thought in your mind right now let me say you have hit the Heart of God.
And isn’t that the Beauty of his Love. Though we are undeserving, he gave us Grace. Though we are the worst of sinners he still died for us. Though we don’t deserve and we can definitely never repay him back, he still loved us. And ain’t that the Beauty thought he doesn’t need us, he still wants us. And he wants us just the way we are, with all our weaknesses and all our Baggage. And once you have tasted his Goodness, his kindness, his love. There is no turning back because you will never be the same after that. You will always have a sense of Joy and a sense of security in him. I think that is what makes me Hunger for him and his word every day. There is something very special about his word. You see the same world, the same sin and the same addictions with an absolutely different perspective. And the thought that he knew me before I was born and chose me for a special purpose fills me with a sense of gratitude. That’s why I hunger for him? What about you?
So what have you decided, he is always standing with arms open wide, take the step of faith. TASTE AND SEE THAT THE LORD IS GOOD.