We all believe and proclaim, confess, claim, and declare that the Lord heals—both in our lives and the lives of those we wish to see healed. Often, we attribute afflictions to the enemy as the source of our wounds. Yet, Deuteronomy 32:39 reminds us: “See now that I, I am He, and there is no god besides Me; It is I who put to death and give life. I have wounded, and it is I who heals, and there is no one who can deliver from My hand.”
Times arise when God’s discipline may wound us due to our sins, beckoning us back to His loving fellowship. Sin disrupts our connection with God, prompting Him to lead us toward repentance. If necessary, He may allow afflictions through the enemy. Yet, we need not remain wounded or flee from Him. When we approach Him with the awareness of our sinful state, confessing and returning in our brokenness, He restores, rebuilds, and heals us, as well as our families, churches, and nations. This compassionate work stems from His kindness, love, and mercy.
The Lord both heals the wounded and stands close to the broken-hearted (Job 5:18, Hosea 6:1, 7:1, 14:4). Even though He inflicts wounds, He also heals. Instead of withdrawing in grief, we are urged to run to Him. Seek Him for healing, and do not harden your heart. Return, confess, and boldly declare, “The Lord heals.”