Entrusted to holy People
The word “entrusted” means to assign responsibility or to place something under someone’s care or protection. In Jude 3b, it states, “I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.” Here, Jude appeals to every believer to take on the responsibility of safeguarding the faith that God has bestowed upon us. The faith does not belong to us but is the faith of Jesus that has been given to us, God’s holy people. Our holiness is solely through Jesus; His blood has cleansed us. Therefore, it is our responsibility to protect the revelation of Christ.
According to Jude, we can build our faith by:
- Reading, studying, and listening to the Scriptures.
- Praying in the Holy Spirit.
- Growing and remaining in love.
- Waiting in hope for the return of Jesus.
What a sacred privilege we have been entrusted with—to preserve the faith until the Author and Perfector of our faith returns and declares, “I have found faith.”