Psalm 106:13 reads, “But they soon forgot what he had done and did not wait for his plan to unfold.” The psalmist initiates an exhortation to praise God and offer Him gratitude for His goodness and love. Reflecting on the Lord’s actions in our lives, His kindness becomes evident, guiding us through challenging situations and performing miraculous feats. When we fail to remember, we succumb to impatience, lose focus, yield to temptation, and demand outcomes outside His design. This path leads to disaster, manifesting in grumbling, disobedience, disregarding God’s blessings, and provoking His anger. Neglecting His mercy, grace, and deliverance is perilous, as it causes us to lose sight of God’s intended purpose. We risk forgetting why He delivered and rescued us and forfeiting His plans for our betterment. Therefore, let us persist as a people who remember the Lord’s deeds through our praise and thanksgiving. Let us not forget!