Why Neon Family Church believes in the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is an important aspect of the Christian faith and a central figure in the Bible. David Pawson, a renowned theologian and Bible teacher, has extensively spoken on the Holy Spirit, and his teachings have been influential in many Christian circles, including the Full Gospel and Charismatic churches.
The Full Gospel and Charismatic churches, including our own, believe in the power and being of the Holy Spirit. We also embrace the gifts of the Spirit, such as speaking in tongues, prophecy, and healing. The Holy Spirit is a spiritual being actively at work in the world and in the lives of believers, empowering us to live a life of faith and service to God.
Although the Holy Spirit is an abstract and unseen being, I personally, as a child, used to perceive the Holy Spirit as the brother of Jesus. However, the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, which includes God the Father and God the Son (Jesus Christ). The Holy Spirit is equal in power and importance to God the Father and Jesus Christ.
As a church, we also believe that it is through the baptism of the Holy Spirit that believers can experience true salvation and strengthen their relationship with God. It is important to note that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not limited to a select few but are available to all believers.
While the gifts of the Spirit are important, we also believe that they should never overshadow the central message of the gospel, which is salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. It is crucial to maintain a balanced perspective, embracing the entirety of the Bible rather than emphasizing certain portions.
The Holy Spirit has been present throughout the Bible, even for those who may not believe in the concept. In the book of Genesis (Genesis 1:2), we learn that the Holy Spirit was present during the creation of the world, demonstrating the vital role the Holy Spirit played in the formation of the world.
In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit is primarily depicted as the presence and power of God that comes upon certain individuals for specific purposes. The Spirit is often referred to as the “Spirit of the Lord” or the “Spirit of God.” For instance, in the book of Exodus (Exodus 31:1-5), the Holy Spirit enabled Bezalel, son of Uri, to possess wisdom and skill for building the tabernacle. In the book of Psalms (Psalm 51:10-12), David prays to the Lord to renew a steadfast spirit within him through the Holy Spirit. Additionally, the Holy Spirit came upon the Prophets to reveal God’s message and His will to His people.
In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit played a critical role in Jesus’ ministry. In Luke 4:18-19, Jesus reads from the book of Isaiah and proclaims that the Holy Spirit anointed Him for His ministry, empowering Him to fulfill His mission on earth.
After Jesus’ resurrection and ascension into heaven, the Holy Spirit played a vital role in the formation and growth of the early Church. In Acts 2, we read about the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples, and they began to speak in tongues. This event marked the birth of the Church and empowered the disciples to spread the gospel message throughout the world.
The Holy Spirit continues to play a critical role in the Church today. In John 16:13, Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would guide His followers into all truth. The Holy Spirit also grants spiritual gifts to believers to build up the Church, as we read in 1 Corinthians 12.
Moreover, the Holy Spirit plays a significant role in the lives of Christians. Romans 8:9 emphasizes that the Holy Spirit is essential for salvation and our relationship with God. The Holy Spirit guides and empowers us in our daily lives. Galatians 5:22-23 describes the fruit of the Spirit, including love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These qualities are evidence of the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives. According to the Word of God, the Father chooses us, the Son redeems us, and the Holy Spirit seals us. Thus, the mark of the Spirit empowers and sanctifies us to live like Jesus here on earth.