Be Still
Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth.”
We often recite and sing these words, but do we truly embrace their meaning? “Be still” isn’t merely a call for silence; it’s an invitation to let go, to relax, to cease our relentless striving and fighting. It’s God speaking to His people: “Relax! And know that I am God!”
Many times, our emotions and circumstances overwhelm us, and we lose sight of the fact that He is God, that He is Sovereign. Yet, it is He who comes to our aid in times of trouble. This same God who governs nations also governs our lives. He is by our side, acting on our behalf, and He will never forsake us.
Understanding this, we can confidently surrender, letting go of our struggles, and say, “You are God; I surrender.” It’s like a child peacefully sleeping in the loving embrace of a parent—a picture of trust, love, confidence, and security. God Himself commands us to relax, to trust, to let go, and allow Him to be God in our lives.