Where are you?
Genesis 3:8-9 reads, ‘8 Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. 9 But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”’
Verse 8 commences with ‘then,’ signifying that after Adam and Eve sinned, they became aware of their nakedness and attempted to conceal it with sewn fig leaves. However, this self-made covering did not provide them the confidence to stand before God. In our lives today, a similar pattern emerges: sin brings about shame and guilt, leaving us yearning for assurance. Yet, our own efforts cannot fully guarantee our access to a holy God.
When God called out, ‘Where are you?’ to the man, it reverberated as an embodiment of love, genuine concern, and a father’s heartfelt cry. This call extended to the lost, beckoning for restoration—almost a plea to return. The essence is akin to an earnest declaration, ‘Come back!’ God’s call promised to cover their nakedness, shame, and guilt. Today, His call remains, echoing ‘Where are you?’ He consistently takes the initiative, descending to meet us, and offering redemption as we respond to His call.”