Neon Family Church

Why Neon Family Church believes in Full Gospel

For someone who is unfamiliar with Christian Theology or with Christianity itself, the term “Full Gospel” may sound like any other Christianized words such as halleluiah, praise God, salvation, redemption, God fearing, sanctification and so on.  These are the terms used mostly by Christians and which are usually limited to the 4 walls of the Church. Even some of us Christians often misunderstand and misuse these words and hence to expect anyone who is not a Christian to understand these words would be too much an expectation on our part.

Hence, we are going to be looking at one of these terms to help us Christians and anyone else who is interested to understand what exactly a “full gospel believing church” is. To start off on a very simple and uncomplicated note, the term in by itself is quite self-explanatory. It quite literally means that we are a church that believes in the full gospel, which means that we believe in the complete/full Bible.

This means that we believe not just in bits and pieces of the Word of God that suit our needs and desires, but we believe in all the Scriptures (the Bible) as the inspired Word of God, which was written by more than 40 different authors over centuries culminating in a singular book that points to Jesus, His first coming and His return. And so, we study and imbibe the Bible in totality.

Let me cite a bit of Christian history with regards to this term “Full Gospel Believing Church”. Historically, a Full Gospel church has been used to identify those Pentecostals (who are a denomination of the larger Christian fellowship). Pentecostals, for those of us who do not understand denominations and the various subgroups, are those Christians who usually have the loudest Sunday services, with a lot of dancing and praying with loud voices and speaking in tongues. And hence Being attached to this denomination is strengthens another core tenant of the Full Gospel church, which is the belief that we believe that the God in the Bible Who is a seen to be a miracle worker and an awesome healer is still at work in the way as He was in the early New Testament churches.

We strongly believe in the power of God to still perform miracles in our present days, and we do not believe that the miracles of God are restricted to just the Bible, but that God is still the same and is working in our midst. So, we believe adamantly in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and its function in the church.

Being a full gospel believing church is a key identity of us here at Neon Family Church with our core value always being our reliance on the authority and sovereignty of our God and His Word.

  2. James E. Cossey, a former editor of the Evangel, “What is a Full Gospel Church?

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